Pure Synthesis is an independent record label based in Scotland, United Kingdom.
Its main output is electronic music, Techno and IDM variants being on its primary agenda however it has released some hiphop influenced music.
The idea behind Pure Synthesis Records goes something like this;
Music is a very personal, individual thing...
There are literally hundreds of thousands if not millions of people out there creating beautiful original music and although they may be great at developing their productions they may not be so great at getting their music heard by the wider audience,,,
Pure Synthesis wants to be the one to bring that music to the world, with the main focus being on the music of the digital age.
Electronic music is simply not represented taken seriously enough by the major record companies that cater for the mass demand for pop music, there are many great independent record labels out there who have shaped the world of contemporary electronic music and Pure Synthesis pays respect to these labels & the artists behind them & also the journalists that cover urban contemporary sounds.
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The name 'pure synthesis' was taken as a
reference to the electronic processes used by synthesizer to create
sounds. The name represents what the label is about, the art of
creating sound. The name also can be interpreted as completely
synthesized, which many releases are,
Pure Synthesis is currently releasing
singles and looking for new artists, some websites are not checked
regularly (myspace official page) if you need to contact PSR you can do
it here.
The labels long term aim is to find unique music and to deliver that sound to as wide an audience as possible.